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Help shape Andover town centre

HemingwayDesign and NEW masterplanning are working closely with Test Valley Borough Council to create a vision and masterplan for Andover town centre that will define Andover for generations to come.

Following feedback from almost 3,000 Andover residents, workers, students and visitors the project team have been developing ideas for improving the town centre. We would like your thoughts on the emerging proposals.

Please drop in from Wednesday December 11 to Sunday December 15 to view our initial design ideas. Members of the design team will be on hand December 11 and 12 with the Test Valley Borough Council team attending December 11 to 15 to answer questions and seek your feedback.

4 Bridge Street, Andover , SP10 1BH

Wednesday 11 to Saturday 14 December 10am - 5pm

Sunday 15 December 10am - 3pm